Sanibel Vacation Diary
For the first eight or nine years that we visited Sanibel Island, I was merely a tourist trying to get some rest and relaxation. But in 2005, I decided it was time to begin chronicling our trip with a daily vacation diary. Each time we return to Sanibel, I'll record our activities and add the diary entries to the site.
My goal with these diary entries is to give you a glimpse into what an average trip to Sanibel might be like. Keep in mind that we don't have children, and we're in our late thirties and early forties. So, our taste and preferences will differ from yours, but I think you'll still be able to get a good idea how much fun you can have when vacationing on Sanibel.
Click a link below to begin exploring one of our Sanibel vacation diaries.
2005 June Sanibel Vacation Diary
2007 January Sanibel Vacation Diary
